The New Black Panther Party is the latest actor in the Trayvon Martin case. The African-American youth was shot on Feb. 26th by neighborhood watch captain Zimmerman. The police did not have sufficient evidence to arrest the shooter, who claimed he shot in self-defense. Things heated up as media started talking about the fact that Martin was wearing a hoodie, which gave Zimmerman the wrong idea about the youth. Thousands of people marched to denounce the unfairness of this case, most of them wearing hoodies. You can read my previous post about Trayvon Martin and George Rivera and his comments about hoodies for more details.
If the case was bordering on a racial issue so far, it is now a full-fledged racial conflict with the New Black Panther Party jumping in and offering $10,000 for the catpure of Zimmerman.
Does the New Black Panther Party actually has $10,000? Are they really expecting bounty hunters to start looking for Zimmerman? Do they realize they would be at war with the U.S. government if they actually detained Zimmerman? Due to the radical history of this party, I would not be surprised if its leaders are serious about their offer. Zimmerman is in hiding and will probably get protection from the government since he is now on the Black Panther's most wanted list.
According to Zimmerman's father, his son is not a racist. He is half-Caucasian and half-Hispanic and grew up in a culturally diverse environment. Everyone describes him as a dedicated and helpful neighborhood watch captain. His father also claimed the Zimmerman has not been accurately portrayed in the media and that he hopes there will be apologies once more details about what happened are released. There are contradicting stories about the shooting: some claim Martin jumped Zimmerman, other that Zimmerman followed Martin around and mistakenly reported him as a suspicious individual.
It seems like everyone is jumping to conclusions and taking actions without knowing what really happened, including the New Black Panther Party. I hope we will get more details about the shooting very soon.
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